Pets A Plenty

Welcome Pet Owners!

Pets A Plenty is a site for people that really want to get to know more about their little friend that they're thinking of getting, or already have one in their lives! Raising a pet isn't always easy, but it never hurts to get information about a pet breed you're either interested in, or want to get aquianted with. After all, why not try to get familiar with how to train your dogs, or find out new ways to interact and play with your cat by knowing what toy to get them? Well this is the site for you!

How To Get Started

Us here at Pets A Plenty love to help other potential owners recieve not only information, but tips and tricks that you got teach them! Some information doesn't exactly carry to each breed, but the ways of playing with them do!

Place of Origin This gives a brief history to anyone that's curious about their breed's history. Who knows, it may help you learn new things with them that they have pre-established for generations.
Common Size & Weight Giving a heads-up on how big your pet grows is always a nice thing to know, and can get you accustomed to what they like to eat, and what's needed for them to grow.
Temperament and Behaviors Often, depending on which breed, they can have many different temperments/behaviors you have to grow accustom to.